Panafrican News Agency

Research institutes launch African Futures Project on communicable diseases

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) – “How rapidly will Africa bring communicable diseases under control and advance the education of its citizens?” the South Africa-based Institute for Security Studies (ISS) queried as it prepares to launch the African Futures Project (AFP) in collaboration with the Frederick S. Pardee Centre for International Futures (IFs) of Denver in the US.

But this is part of major uncertainties facing the continent, which these organisations seek to address as they leverage each other`s expertise to provide forward-looking, policy-relevant material that frames uncertainty around human development in Africa, ISS said on Friday in a statement made available to PANA here.

According to ISS, major transitions are rapidly reshaping Africa. “Populations are growing and urbanising. Economies are expanding and diversifying. New technologies are sweeping across the continent. Long-standing conflicts have been or are being addressed, yet major uncertainties face us.

“Can Africa successfully move toward manufacturing and the provision of services, while managing the wealth generated by its raw materials?

“Will climate change increase pressures on agriculture or will we have a green revolution? How will Africa build the extensive infrastructures needed?

“What about the quality of our governance? And will regional integration help or hinder our development?”

The ISS and the Frederick S. Pardee Centre for International Futures said they will be launching the AFP as the first initiative of its kind dedicated to long-term strategic thinking about human development and sustainability for the continent.

Both organisations are devoted to exploring these uncertainties through the AFP by looking across most major issue areas -- demographics, economics, sociopolitical change, the environment and human development – “and explore further into our future than any other model of Africa has ever done.”

According to the statement, AFP provides research and training for leaders, who are tasked with building a peaceful and prosperous Africa for all.

During 2011/2012, the ISS and IFs received project funding from the UK High Commission that allowed the development of the African Futures website, publications and outreach. ISS core funders are the governments of Sweden, Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.

The Frederick S Pardee Centre for International Futures, based at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, is the home of the International Futures model, an integrated approach to understanding human development and the broad implications of policy choices.

The Centre works with issue-specific and geographically-based groups around the world that share the Centre`s interest in evaluating and exploring the human condition from a long-term perspective.

ISS, a widely recognised pan-African think tank specialising in issues of human security, undertakes applied policy research, provides teaching and training as well as technical assistance.

The Institute is headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa, with offices in Cape Town, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Dakar, Senegal.

ISS works for the advancement of sustainable human security in Africa and seeks to mainstream human security perspectives into public policy processes and to influence decision makers within Africa and beyond.

The objective of the Institute is also to add critical balance and objectivity by providing timely, empirical research, teaching and implementation support on sustainable human security issues to policy makers, area specialists, advocacy groups, and the media.
-0- PANA AR/VAO 17Feb2012